Do Jehovah's Witnesses still believe the number of the 144,000 in Revelation is a literal number?


Accepted answer

The number 144,000 is still believed to be a literal number. The reason for the number of persons claiming to be spirit anointed increasing in recent years can only be explained 2 ways:

1) The number chosen from the earth is going to consist of a larger number of modern day Christians than previously thought.

2) Many of the persons who are counted as partakers of bread and wine at the annual memorial of Christ’s death are mistaken about being called.

Remember JWs number under 8.5 million worldwide but over 20 million persons attended the memorial. As the number of attendees goes up the number of cases of persons partaking in error goes up too.

The actual number of spirit anointed brothers and sisters on earth today is known only by the King who calls them.

Do we worry about the number ? See

When does the calling of Christians to a heavenly hope cease?



Yes they do.

They are not a cult in my opinion, simply a denomination that is different theologically- for which some Christians criticize them. I studied for 8 months with them and in the first book I and my elder studied,'What does the Bible really teach?, the first chapters mention the 144,000 going into heaven to work with God. Many others would be raised into the paradise (New World according to the Bible). Hope this answers your question!

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