Does the free will rebuttal to the problem of evil still work for those who believe in old earth/evolution?


The OP disagrees with the correlation of 'free will' and 'suffering', I believe Jesus would agree that disagreement, as in John 9:1-12, there was a man blind from birth, obviously he was suffering before he had his free will. Jesus answered his disciples that 'he suffered so that the works of God might be displayed in him'. I would think this answer from Jesus may be even harder to be agreed with.

The question "If there is an omnipotent and good God, why is there suffering in the world?" bewilder both to Christian and non-Christian and in my opinion, it is a mistake to correlate suffering to God while nobody able to understand how the works of God be displayed.

Now this is the second question; "Did God make one suffer so that the works of God might be displayed in him?"

  • If the answer is 'Yes', then you believe God made us a puppet that should have no free will.

  • If the answer is 'No', then the first question is invalid.

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