How do Mormons interpret the warning in Revelation about adding to the book?


Accepted answer

Your premise is invalid, as the warning in Revelation cannot be honestly interpreted as referring to anything beyond Revelation itself. "The Bible" did not exist back then. The very concept of "the Bible" did not even exist back then. Each sacred writing was its own book; they weren't compiled into a collection until centuries later. In addition, John wrote the Gospel of John after he wrote Revelation. An overly-broad interpretation of the warning at the end of Revelation would invalidate the most beautiful and profoundly spiritual of the four Gospels!


I prefer to look at the verse itself, in this matter. When I read this verse in Revelation it is easy to see that this is a warning to mankind: Don't add stuff! It's not your right, and you don't have the authority!

But it does NOT say that God cannot (or even will not) continue revealing his word and his mind and his plans to mankind. Remember Amos 3:7...

7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

and I can promise you, God is very active still. He is doing amazing things.

The Bible clearly teaches that the end times will have prophets. Two will be killed in Jerusalem and the whole world will watch (Rev. 11) and there is even a warning about false prophets, which would not be necessary if there were simply no prophets.

So, while the warning in Revelation might be viewed a warning about adding to the Holy Bible as a whole, it does not extend to God Himself. He chooses to whom to speak, what to tell them, and what to do with that information. If He tells them to tell others, well that is the definition of a prophet, and that is His prerogative.


I agree 100% with Mason Wheeler, but I thought I could clarify something.

  1. The LDS faith does not claim to add to the Bible. The only additions in their version of the King James Version of the Bible is in the form of footnotes and reference information. If that is considered adding to the Bible, then most denominations are guilty.

  2. The Book of Mormon is a separate book taking place on a different continent. The story originates in Jerusalem, but the majority (after the first 50 pages or so) takes place in Ancient America. Just as the title of the book says, it is "Another Testament of Jesus Christ", not a modification of the words of the apostles. The teachings in the Book of Mormon coincide with the teachings of the Bible. The teachings of the Bible are upheld and clarified.

  3. The Doctrine and Covenants are a collection of writings (revelations) given to Joseph Smith. Many of the revelations reference passages in the Bible (Old and New Testaments).

  4. The Pearl of Great Price is two books (Moses and Abraham) that replace missing scripture that was lost. There is evidence of missing books in the Bible. None of the books mentioned coincide with the two books of the Pearl of Great Price, but it is reasonable that they are valid.

  5. Other religions have additions to the doctrines of the Bible. As a simple example, the Trinity was never mentioned by name, but because of the Nicene Creed (and other edicts), it has become commonplace. Arguably, these creeds and edicts only serve to explain the Bible, but they are, nonetheless, taken by many to be equal to scripture. These were decided by man, not prophets of God.

The root of the question is whether Joseph Smith was a prophet. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that no more prophets will be called, and it is quite common for a called prophet to have some written work attributed to him.

This is the basis for the addition of scripture to the LDS canon. The LDS believes in an open canon, so long as it is given by God to one of His prophets. The majority of the Christian community, however, believe in a closed canon. That's the difference.

Here's the accepted canon of the LDS faith:

  • Bible (KJV, with translations by Joseph Smith)
  • Book of Mormon
  • Doctrine and Covenants (and Official Declarations, Articles of Faith, etc.)
  • Pearl of Great Price

The words of prophets (and apostles) since Joseph Smith are also considered authoritative. These come monthly in magazines and biannually during General Conferences.

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