Is it common to travel by giving private lessons at host family?


Accepted answer

No, it is not common.

It may be possible for some people to work their way around Europe by teaching, but most people who want teachers for their kids want someone who is around long term. Someone they can check out before the start of the work and someone they can rely on to be there for a whole school year.

It might be possible in couch surfing, via the official site, or informally organized by traveling to friends of the people you stay with and their friends, but it is very rare.
In 40 years of independent traveling I have met only a hand full and most of them did have some money to travel. (And looking back, the one that did not pay towards the cost was more a beggar than a worker.)

If it was easy to do you would find many posts about it on internet, blogs, questions and answers on many sites and so on. I can not remember seeing any.

That does not say it is impossible, just almost impossible and that makes it a challenge some people can not resist.

(If you do it, make sure you have 'come home money' and a way to contact home to let them know where you are.)

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