I have a cool suitcase. Might be tricky to ride a motorbike. Looking for a strap allowing to carrying it as a backpack?


Although this may boil down to personal preference, you may be looking for a 'Monkey Strap suitcase to backpack converter' or a 'backpack conversion strap'.

It is kind of a combination of straps that wrap around, let's say a carry-on, and enable you to carry it on your shoulders like a backpack. There are a variety of places where you can get something like this and depending on your location alternate names as well.

It looks like and fits on to a bag as shown below:

enter image description hereenter image description here

Feel free to google search the two terms and shop online or at any local store near you.

If you really want to drive a motorcycle then another good way may be to use a rear end motorcycle rack/carrier. You can mount and brace/tie your bag onto it and not worry about having it on your shoulders during the drive. They come in many varieties and can be found at any motorcycle spares shop.


I know this is not a direct answer to your question, but I'll post it nevertheless: Don't do that

That suitcase is way too big to safely strap to your body while riding anything, let alone a motorcycle.

Even if empty, is bulk will keep you pinned and won't allow any movement; and it is big enough to catch a lot of wind and constantly pull you back at anything over a few Km/h.

And when (not if) you finally fall off the bike, it will either land on top of you (preventing you from running to safety), or just break your spine if you land on top of it hard enough.

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