Indonesia 30 visa-free access - Will I have trouble if I stay for exactly 30 days?


Accepted answer

You are fine entering on 9 May and leaving 7 June, that is exactly 30 days including the arrival and departure date. What Wikitravel is trying to make clear here (in the first paragraph) is that both the arrival and the departure date are counted as one of your 30 days. The second paragraph I suspect was added by someone who didn't understand the first one, and tried to stay 31 days.

What many people do is to "add 30" to their arrival date- if you "add 30" to 9 May, you would get 8 June- but this is because it is not counting 9 May as the first day, which is a common mistake travellers make when calculating their permission to stay. Your first day counts as one day, so you have how many days in addition to your first day? 29. But adding 29 to 1 = 30 days spent in country. Makes sense?

To explain in another way- say you enter on a Monday. Add seven days to Monday, and you get the following Monday, when you leave. How many days were you there? 8, including both Mondays- NOT 7.

This is pretty much a universal rule everywhere, it is not in any way specific to Indonesia. It's really more an issue of mathematics or counting than anything to do with travel or visas, but it is a very common misunderstanding. But FWIW I have visited Indonesia on a 30-day visa free exemption and stayed exactly 30 days as you propose and there was no issue.

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