UK Standard Visa - Monthly Savings


Beware of placing large lump sums into your bank account in an attempt to show that you have enough funds for the trip. If the source cannot be verified then UKVI can rightly have concerns.

i.e. take this example - it may seem like a good idea for a friend to put 10000USD in your account so when you apply for the visa you can show there is more than enough money for the trip, simply to return it once he visa is issue.

UKVI will want to know where the money came from so they can be sure the money is yours and will be available for the trip. So they will be happy to see your savings moving around between your own accounts, your employer paying your salary, perhaps even a lump sum bonus if it is obvious where it came from. All of this can be backed up with further documents, payslips etc... letters from your employer confirming the bonus amounts for example.

However a lump sum arriving from an unknown source can lead to visa refusal as it calls into question whether or not you would genuinely have access to it.

See here for the official rules for the visa issuance. 4.2 (e) is the important point. And then here for the specific rules on finances referred to.


What UK immigration is trying to asses is whether you are at risk of being an illegal immigrant in UK. Finances can show many signs. Say, you are spending your entire life savings on a trip to UK, then its more than likely that you are not coming back.

In your case, other circumstances are not given. What's your purpose of visit? Where are you going to stay? How much money are you going to spend? Are you having strong ties to your home country, by having a family, properties, job etc. All these matters.

Have an assessment yourself and apply.

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