Can I have just a wedding ceremony in UK on a visitor visa and then get register married back home


Other answers or comments have explained immigration regulations with respect to marriage. Assuming you decide to have a "wedding ceremony" that is not legally binding, you will have to ask yourself "who is going to conduct this ceremony?" I'm allowed to conduct official wedding ceremonies in my state in the US, and if someone asked me to conduct an unofficial ceremony, I would refuse for fear it would be confused with an official ceremony. Those authorized to conduct official ceremonies in the UK might have similar feelings.

For religious weddings, the rules of the particular religion probably dictate whether a priest, minister, rabbi, deacon, mullah, etc. is allowed to conduct an unofficial ceremony


If you want to participate in a party as a visitor, that is absolutely allowed. Even if you call that party a "wedding ceremony" -- that has no legal meaning really. But, you can not enter into a legal relationship on a visitor visa. According to Part V4 of Immigration Rules for visitors

V 4.10 The applicant must not intend to marry or form a civil partnership, or to give notice of this, in the UK, except where they have a visit visa endorsed for marriage or civil partnership.

If asked at the border, answer truthfully that you intend to celebrate your forthcoming marriage in a foreign country with the friends & family of your fiancΓ©(e) in the UK and then leave with your fiancΓ©(e) to get married somewhere else. Emphasize you do not intend to marry in the UK and you do not intend to live in the UK.

I wish you lot of happiness with your marriage.

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