Dual citizenship - can have visa in one passport and use APM (automatic passport machines) with the other


From personal experience (although not with the US), I had a current Schengen visa in one of my passports when I got my US citizenship. On my next trip to Europe I used my US passport, despite having another passport with a still valid visa which was valid for the purpose of the visit. Nobody asked any questions.

Now regarding the USA, I have found no specific information about it in FAMs or on DoS website about that. Thus my answer would be more of a speculation conclusion, and it would be "no, you would not be required to use a specific passport to enter the USA" simply because you have a visa in that passport. Consider the typical case where the passport with the visa is no longer in your possession because it has been replaced/lost/damaged.

Interestingly enough, the US visa application form doesn't even ask about all your nationalities.


If you have two nationalities, you may enter the US using either one you wish.

If you enter using a VWP-eligible nationality, you must have an ESTA, and if you enter using a nationality that requires a visa, you must have a visa.

I have dual citizenship from both a VWP country and a non-VWP country?

If you are flying under the terms of the VWP, with your VWP passport, you must apply for ESTA. If you are using your non-VWP country's passport, you will require a visa and therefore ESTA does not apply to you.

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