Reasons for not taking melatonin during flight?


I see absolutely no reasons why you shouldn’t. It’s not like it’s strong medication that will knock you out, but people even take those kinds on board an airplane. At best this will make it a bit easier to fall asleep under the right conditions.


Taking melatonin during your long haul flight is fine. However, be careful of the following two points:

  1. Take melatonin after takeoff. I had to deal with way to many people that were falling asleep while the plane was disembarked due to technical reasons or similar.

  2. Check if the contry you're travelling to prohibits the use of your medication. If so, you could face some serious fines or even jail time for "smuggling" drugs. If this is the case and you are flying to e.g. the UAE, take only one pill with you and be sure to use it before you reach the UAE.

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