What is the least expensive way to get from Dulles airport to Virginia beach, VA


You might want to check out Rome2Rio, which is often useful for this type of query. The cheapest itinerary they show is:

  • DC Metro (buses & trains) from Dulles to Union Station
  • MegaBus from Union Station to Hampton, changing buses in Richmond, and
  • Hampton Roads Transit from Hampton to Virginia Beach, transferring in Norfolk.

The MegaBus will cost about $30 for both buses (fares vary depending on the time of day, but this was the cheapest I saw); the DC Metro will cost $7–$9 depending on the itinerary and the time of day; and the Hampton Transit will cost you $3.50 ($1.75 per ride). So the total cost is about $40–$45 one way.

Note that there appears to only be one bus a day from Richmond to Hampton, leaving at 12:55 PM; give MegaBus's schedule, you'll have to be at DC Union Station by 10 AM to catch it.


Far and away: rent a car. The rental market in the DC area is very competitive. Last time I was there, in March, I paid $12 a day for a Hyundai. Gas in Virginia is as low as $1.30 a gallon.

Don't let them sell you add-ons, that's where they getcha!

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