What is the fastest way to get from Courmayeur/Aosta to Milan?


Accepted answer

You have at least two options:

Bus + train

The nearest railway station to Courmayeur is Pré-St. Didier, approximately 6 km from Courmayeur.

To get from Courmayeur to Pré-St. Didier, take a bus with SAVDA. This bus departs several times per day and takes 10 minutes. You need busline 176. It's also possible to take this bus all the way to Aosta, but it's perhaps more interesting to change to the train.

For the train from either Pré-St. Didier or Aosta to Milano Centrale, you can use the search engine at trenitalia.com. To get from Pré-St. Didier to Milano Centrale, you need to take the train to Aosta, then Aosta–Ivrea, Ivrea–Chivasso and Chivasso–Milano. This route takes 4 hours 18 minutes and costs €17.40. There are other routes that take longer.

Note that the HAFAS international journey planner, used by bahn.de and other websites, is incomplete. It claims a journey trip from Pré St. Didier to Milan takes 6 hours 55 minutes, by train to Aoste, bus to Martigny, train via Visp to Milano. This is neither fastest nor cheapest!

By bus all the way

SAVDA also operate a direct bus from Courmayeur to Milano. Times and frequency depend on the time of day. The bus takes approximately 3½–4 hours, and costs €18.


Take the bus. There are direct ones. Otherwise you have to change in Aosta. The journey is less than 4 hours. The price for a single ticket us 18 EUR and for a return ticket 32.50 EUR.

For more informstion, check the following site:


Schedules are available here:


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