How to travel cheaply between Charleroi Airport and Brussels?


Accepted answer

From the Charleroi Airport website page for "Rail and Bus", you'll discover that there's a special shuttle bus between the airport. It's Bus A, and the price is included in the cost of the train ticket if you buy a ticket to/from the airport. It takes about 20 minutes from the airport to the station at Charleroi.

There are special train tickets for travel to/from Charleroi Airport. If you go to the SNCB website and search from CHARLEROI SOUTH AIRPORT to ZONE BRUXELLES, then pick TICKETS CHARLEROI AIRPORT from the ticket type dropdown, you'll see the prices. Currently, it's €14,40 one way. You can read more about the combined bus+train tickets for Charleroi here. Tickets can be bought online, or at the airport, should be the same price.

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