Is it possible to apply again for new extension for visa B2 due to covid?


To answer your question, yes, there is no limit to the number of times status can be extended during one stay (note that it is the status that is extended; visas cannot be extended, since visas are only for entry anyway), and it is possible to apply for another B2 extension of status before the current extended status expires. Of course, the chances of approval of an extension of status goes down with each additional extension. The fact that she has a US citizen spouse in the US also may make it likely that she will be denied for immigrant intent. But at least an application for extension of status (filed before her status expires) will allow her to stay while the application is pending, which can be several months, so it will buy her more time.

As some comments have noted, if she intends to keep staying in the US, it would be better for her to not apply for extension of status, and instead apply for Adjustment of Status to get a green card in the US through a petition from her spouse.

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