Comparison site for EU SIM cards?


There are several concerns besides "cheapest". An ideal EU travel SIM must satisfy the following properties:

  1. Available for purchase on Ebay or some other website that ships internationally
  2. Can be activated from abroad or can be purchased pre-activated
  3. Its possible to top up the SIM with a foreign credit card without huge surcharges. I.e. Czech phone operators block foreign credit cards on their website and you have to pay 10-20% to resellers.

To narrow down the search, an optimal strategy is to search for "activated"+"EU SIM" on Ebay, giving us a list of SIM cards that could be easily purchased in practice. As of today, here are the offers I'm seeing:

  1. Lebara/UK. 15 GBP for 9.4 gigs of data within the EU, as per their FUP document. Comes out to 1.85 EUR/GB.

  2. Three/UK. 15 GBP for 20 gigs of EU or UK data, as per their FUP rules. Comes out to 0.75 EUR/GB.

  3. Labas/Lithuania. 26 EUR for 3 gigs of EU data. Comes out to 8.7 EUR/GB.

  4. NOS/Portugal. 29 EUR for 10 gigs of data. Comes out to 2.9 EUR/GB. No special limits for EU roaming.

So currently the best pre-activated SIMs to stock up on are from Three/UK. This listing is a good example of what seems like a great deal.

This StackExchange post will inevitably become outdated in the future, so one's best strategy would be to head back on Ebay and check the latest offers on hand. I can't find a website actively tracking such SIMs at the moment, but at the end of the day knowing that some operator in Cyprus or Luxembourg has a great EU roaming deal is pointless if you don't plan to travel there and don't have a way to ship their SIMs to another country. So Ebay is probably the best resource for these kinds of deals.


While not all phones are eSIM compatible yet, if yours is, I found a very good database at

An eSIM combats most of the problems mentioned in the physical SIM answer.

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