Prepaid SIM card (USA) for Samsung Galaxy?


Accepted answer

There's an entire wiki dedicated to this exact question!

I'm marking this as a community wiki-answer in case anyone wants to dig into the pretty significant amount of work required to expand this answer with rates and options available for the US. :-)


Weirdly I thought we had this question, but the only question seems to be in relation to Canada in North America...

Yes, you can. I've done so the last two years, and intend doing this again in June/July this year.

Which company you use depends on your requirements and the deals, of course, but I just went into a couple and asked what they had, and then bought one. It cost like $5 for the sim, and whatever extra I paid for my minutes/data.

I've done this with phone purchased in Canada and Australia, so it's definitely not an issue. Both were modern Android phones as well.

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