If my passport becomes invalid, can I travel to a country which gave me a long term visa or residence permit?


Depends on where you travel, and what those countries think. The good example would be some occupied countries during WWII, which had exile governments (often in London) that were accepted by the Allies. Otherwise, a stateless person can:

  • Try to get an identity document from another nation, which confirms identity without granting citizenship.
  • Try to get a refugee travel document from another nation, which also confirms identity without granting citizenship.
  • Try to get a travel document for resident aliens from the (new) host nation, which is issued in some cases and which confirms not just the identity but also the residence status. (One example is the German Reiseausweis fΓΌr AuslΓ€nder, but few AuslΓ€nder qualify for one.)

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