Two letters of my first name transposed on boarding pass. Should I be worried?


I could talk as my personal experience. I have one First Name and two Surnames. When I buy tickets to US, I fill only my First name and the last surname. It will be different from my passport. However, I never had any issue.

Another question as a reference -> Travelling to US with United Airlines with only one first name and only one last name


Just a datapoint to contradict the previous answers. There was recently a report of WOW Air denying international boarding due to a missing middle name on a boarding pass (vs. their passport):

Based on this, I’d take the effort to contact the airline to try to correct the error or at least get assurance that it won’t be a problem.


The only place where the name on your ticket/boarding card matters is at the departure airport when you're trying to board the flight. It matters there because the airline wants to check you're the person they were paid to transport.

Even so, I doubt the airline is going to make a fuss over what is obviously a simple typo in the passenger name.

Once you get on the plane and arrive in the US, all that matters to immigration is that you can prove that you should be allowed to enter; a (presumably US) passport will do that nicely. They don't care about boarding passes of arriving passengers; it is not their job to worry about the airlines' revenue management strategies.

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