Travelling within Japan when Philppine passport expiry is within 6 months from the trip


Accepted answer

Your passport is of absolutely no consequence for domestic travel in Japan, especially since you are a resident and not a "temporary visitor". In fact, you would be well advised to keep it at home to prevent accidental damage or loss.

The only time when you need a valid passport is when you want to travel internationally. Until then, you don't even need to renew your passport when it expires.


Usually domestic flights does not require passports since you are not leaving and re-entering Japan. You don't need to pass through the immigrations and customs when taking the domestic flights.

In most cases your resident card should be able to proof your identity if needed.

JAL accepts a range of documents such as resident card and driver license, Jetstar has similar rules.

You may check with your airline to double comfirm that.

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