Visiting South Africa twice for 90 days while I wait for my study permit?


I can't seem to find anything that says you can't, and it would be highly unusual if you couldn't. The exemption you get as a Dutch citizen allows you to enter SA without a visa as you know, though the rules of your stay seem to be the same as if you got a 90 day visitors permit under section 31(3)(b)[Accredited in SA] - (for the record, I can't actually seem to find the text of this section anywhere). Thus, you should have no issues simply leaving the country (most countries require you leave for at least 24 hours) and then returning to get a new visa.

To double check I think your best bet is to either call the Dutch embassy in SA, or the SA embassy in The Netherlands. Either should be able to give you a solid answer.

Please also note, that while you might legally be allowed to re-enter for another 90 days, an SA immigration officer could well question you about your past entry and why you are entering again so soon. Your visa exemption is also valid for most business purposed though, so you'll probably be alright.

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