Does the ACA provision about pre-existing conditions apply to visitors to the US?


ACA/Obamacare does not apply to tourists. The best explanation I've found (disclaimer: it's from an insurance reseller):

Visitors to the USA do not have access to health care while in the USA for the simple fact that they are not U.S. citizens. Even if you have family - perhaps a son or daughter, or parents - who are U.S. citizens, every visitor to America is considered a tourist and medical care for tourists is not free.

Only U.S. citizens and certain lawfully presented permanent residents (green card holders) qualify for federal health insurance program also known as Affordable Care Act or Obama Care in the US and visitors to the U.S. are responsible for paying for their own medical care.

However the US government's site backs this up, with travellers and tourists nowhere to be found in their list of persons that qualify for coverage.

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