Insurance for skydiving in USA as a UK citizen


Accepted answer

I managed to find an appropriate insurance policy from IMG known as 'Patriot Adventure'. They offer insurance to US citizens, non-US citizens, and people who have already left their home country. Shortest possible period is 30 days. Covers a huge list of adventure sports and activities.


I taught sport parachuting for 10 years. Zero personal injuries, but I've seen some good ones.

The place providing tandem jumps might have recommended insurers, but they have none themselves. That lengthy document you will sign in the morning basically says you knew what the risks were.

However, the tandem-jump risks are basically either bumps and bruises from a rough landing or death from a failed system (or instructor). You won't need health care for the former and you won't care after the latter.

Serious but survivable skydiving accidents are typically solo students who don't listen and crash into things like trees, or experienced jumpers who think they are better than they are and crash into things like benches when they try to hot-dog a landing. (That particular person shattered his ankle on a bench and paid the hospital bill on his visa.)

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