Visa-Free before Visa-D


Accepted answer

I get that you're nervous, but probably you're overthinking this, and it should be fine.

The trip to London shouldn't be necessary at all. Just stay in Austria during the day your visa starts.

The border guard shouldn't find any reason to deny you entry. After all...

  • The visa-free 90 days are possible for you
  • The visa officials were already satisifed enough with your basic circumstances
  • the risk of illegally overstaying the 90 days is no concern since you'll be there legally after 90 days too
  • working illegally is no concern either since you have a legal contract already

and so on...

Also see How to switch from Tourist visa to Resident visa status in the Schengen area? where they found some more people saying they did this successfully.
Altough one of the answers contains confused border officials because they were shown an invalid visa. Don't show your visa at the border if it isn't valid yet, just go in with your passport.

And of course don't forget to apply for a residence permit in Austria, since your Phd will likely take longer than the initial visa...


I wanted to add this answer to anyone with this situation. Today I flew to Vienna, AT 9 days before the validity of my Visa D. I encountered no issues and the border guard looked right at my visa. I am a visa-free national for tourism purposes.

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