Applying for Schengen Visa. My UAE residence visa will expire before 3 months from the day of departure from the Schengen area


Unfortunately, yes I know that Fr, It, and Switzerland will in fact follow visa requirements very closely. My father worked in the UAE for many years, and this was something we had to deal with.

There are still currents of public discontent of what is seen as overabundance of immigration from the Middle East in many parts of the EU. This leads to occasional rhetoric from politicians about restricting immigration from these regions. I know that you are asking about just a visiting visa, but it has been my experience that such pressures tend to make the rules more closely enforced. You will note that the UAE wasn't put on the no-visa list despite campaigning.

On to question 2. Depends on what you mean by neighboring, but for the most part, no all the countries in the EU act the same way in this regard. It is part of the point of the EU to have equal protection in at all the boarders, then ease of travel within the EU once you are there. I'm afraid to say your best bet would be trying to renew or extend the UAE visa you have, but that's not a really hopeful plan (to in effect get 2 sequential visas before July).

Best of luck.

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