Does Plopsaland De Panne have many rides that can fit taller adults?


It's kind of hard as we don't know what attractions you like. This might be ice skating and the merry go-around or the big rollercoasters. On the site of Plopsaland De Panne there's an overview of the attractions it has.

On the left you can see a slider to set how big you are and get an overview of the attractions you can get into. Which, as an adult will probably be everything.

Looking at the pictures of the attractions might suggest if it's build for adults. I see 2 rollercoasters that seem to have alot of leg space.


I'm myself of average height (1,80m) but really overweight so this might not be the exact same situation but I surely understand the feeling.

It is true that Plopsa is aimed at younger kids in the sense that many of the attractions, including (small) rollercoasters, can accommodate kids from the size of 1m whereas other amus*m*nt parks in Belgium have only a few (if at all) sensation rides for the smaller ones (usually starting at 1,20m but very commonly 1,40m as soon as you have your head upside-down). That said, these attractions are not more or less comfortable for a tall person (or in my case, overweight) than any attraction in any other amus*m*nt park, I personally never had more problems there than other parks, the problem being generally the workers having to "push" on the bar for it to close correctly due to my womb.

Now I've seen (in other parks) attractions with a maximal height of 1,90m (usually), but I don't remember seeing one like that at Plopsa. Their website also doesn't seem to indicate any max size (I've tried and don't see any difference).

It's been 2 years now I didn't go there, so I might be wrong (especially as I'm not concerned I may have overlooked max size) and the site might not be correct on this , the only way to be sure would be to ask them directly. If you don't want to ask, I would say it is safe to assume you'll be able to fit any attraction in Plopsa with a variable level of comfort.

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