Cannot enter check out date in China Visa itinerary Section 2.6


Accepted answer

The check in and check out dates are supposed to be on different rows on the form.

This is to ensure you can check in and out of different places with over lapping dates for example:

Check in at hotel 1 day 1 Check in at hotel 2 day 2 Check out at hotel 1 day 3

You get the picture, this is not very common but the form handles all types of travel and stays that’s why


The check in and check out dates are supposed to be on different rows on the form is probably the right answer. I'm posting what got me a visa/worked for me as well.

I used Preview on a Mac to insert text for the check in and check out dates for a single address. E.g

2019-01-01 to 2019-01-14

for the date cell; I used the form for the address side. No questions from the officer.

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