Return trip flight search with fixed takeoff/departure date and landing/arrival date


I don't know of any such option. When I have such a need, in Expedia I calculate the latest time of departure possible, and select the time slots that work out. For example:

HKG-RGN, evening

In this HKG-RGN flight, if I leave in the evening I'll arrive the next day. So if I select everything except evening I get this:

HKG-RGN, except evening

Now the +1 flights have disappeared. Works well enough. Not as good as a real "must arrive before XX:YY" solution, I know. The only app I saw that provides this is the the 乗り換え案内 app in Japan for subway itineraries.


A number of flight search engines allow you to filter search results by arrival time. You can use this to filter out all flights that arrive later than you desired date. This is usually a filter you apply after the search, rather than one you set before performing the search. For example, Hipmunk has the time bar at the top:

Hipmunk search results with time bar circled

If I slide that bar to the left, I can filter out all the flights that arrive at my destination on Wednesday or later:

No results

In this case, there aren't any, because such a flight doesn't make any sense within time zones and airline schedules. Indeed, many long-haul international routes are only possible with overnight flights, since that is often preferred by business travelers. But you can adjust the arrival filter as you see fit and watch the results change to show what meets your criteria, if anything. You can use that information to adjust the departure date accordingly: if there are no results that arrive the same day as you depart, you'd have to move the departure date back one day and search again to arrive on your desired date. Or with Hipmunk, just select a three day range for departure date if you want.

If you're using the Hipmunk mobile app, the time filter slider works pretty much the same way:

Hipmunk iOS app

Kayak has a similar filter on its sidebar, which you can drag to filter flights by arrival time:

Kayak arrival filter

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