Does a Filipina need a visa to change planes in South Korea?


If collecting baggage, you will be "leaving the airport", meaning you'll cross the border.

As stated in Timatic, the database used by airlines:

Visa required, except for Nationals of Philippines with a [Green card] if holding confirmed onward tickets on flights departing within 30 days; when

-arriving from USA, departing to a third country (e.g. USA-ICN-PVG); or

-arriving from a third country, departing to USA (e.g. PVG-ICN-USA); or

-arriving from a third country after having transited that country for a maximum stay of 3 days, departing to USA (e.g. PVG-SGN-ICN-USA); or

-arriving from a third country, traveling to another country and staying there for a maximum stay of 3 days, then departing to USA (e.g. PVG-ICN-SGN-USA).

So if any of these conditions apply to your wife, she does not need a visa.

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