Travel options from nuremberg to Seattle


Accepted answer

Commercial airliner will be the cheapest. Boat would be extremely expensive (since it's 6 nights or so across the Atlantic) plus another east coast to west coast flight. is a good search sight. Over Christmas flights will be expensive since it's busy season. Starting to book now is a good idea. Cheapest that I found was about $1200 (Dec 23 to Dec 30) either through Frankfurt or Paris.

You can increase the chances of a good price by being flexible on dates and airports. In Germany you can consider also Frankfurt or Munich which are both Lufthansa hubs. However, sometimes the smaller airports with an extra leg are actually cheaper (makes no sense, but it's so frequent that it has it's own name called "hidden city ticketing".

So you just have to spend some time running various options and pick the cheapest that's inside your comfort zone for dates, travel time, layovers, etc.

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