What options exist for under 150 Euro to travel from Brussels, Belgium to Tignes, France?


Accepted answer

Possibly the cheapest non-hitchhiking option

On Eurolines, I find tickets from Lille to Lyon for €58 (youth). If you add to this a local train from Brussels to Lille and local transportation from Lyon to Tignes, this is likely your cheapest option:

  • Train Brussels – Lille: Belgian railways, €15
  • Eurolines bus Lille – Lyon: Eurolines, €58
  • Train Lyon – Chambery: SNCF, €17.90
  • Local transportation Chambery – Tignes

Total Brussels – Chambéry, one-way, €90.90. I don't think you'll find any cheaper alternative. However, do read on for possible other hints.

Interrail (EU-residents)

This answer may or may not help you, but can apply to budget last-minute train travel in general, so I still answer it.

An Interrail Youth One Country Pass for France is €144. This permits you to travel on trains within France for 3 days within one month. You will need to add a round trip ticket from your station to the French border. Interrail is only available for European residents. Otherwise, the next cheapest option is the Eurail Benelux+France Youth Pass, which is €229 and unfortunately more expensive than what you require.

Most trains require additional reservations and in France, these can be quite expensive and are quickly sold out. The German railways offer you to search for trains that do not require reservations. Selection All without ICE should be sufficient. This means your travel will take a very long time. You will need to search for a connection that does not pass through any other countries than France. For example, from Lille to Chambery, there are connections lasting 12–16 hours with 3–7 changes. Add to this your transportation to Lille and from Chambery, and your connection will not work within a single day, but require to spend the night somewhere.

Regional trains

That being said, you might find cheaper options through SNCF by selecting a clever via station. For example, from Lille via Dijon to Chambery I find one-way tickets for €87, around €20 cheaper than options I find without this via. The trick here is to find a route that will use mostly the slow regional TER or SNCF INTERCITÉS trains, as opposed to TGV. Don't forget to select your correct age range.

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