How to measure offshore limit for Bareboat Skipper IYT?


Accepted answer

You should think of the regulation allowing you to sail within 20 miles from a safe haven, rather than offshore. In nautical terms, a safe haven is a port, harbour, or any other sheltered place suitable for mooring. A flat coast constantly subject to strong winds and strong currents and waves might not be considered a safe haven. Thus the distance is not measured from the shore itself, but from any place where you might safely seek refuge in if needed.

Having said this, it could technically be possible to sail from, say, Genova to Barcelona with a coastal-waters-certification by tracing a route that always remains within the 20 miles limit.


It also says "in coastal waters." I would take this to mean that sailing from small islands in the ocean is not covered. As for where to measure the 20 miles from, it's from the shore, not from the marina.

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