Can I go to the UK from the Schengen on train?


Can I travel by train from the Schengen area to England in my given time?

Yes. According to you’re looking at a journey time of around 24 hours via Munich, Stuttgart, Paris, then London. You’d have to depart Budapest on day 9 to be sure of exiting Schengen on day 10.


You can use that visa to travel through the countries between Hungary and England, but because the UK is not in the Schengen area, you will need a separate UK visa to get to England itself.

Furthermore, I note that the title of your question mentions "single visit." If that means that you have a single-entry visa, once you get to England you would be unable to return to the Schengen area. So, in addition to a UK visa you would also need an air ticket from the UK to India.


Yes. You have Schengen and UK Visas. As you travel through different Schengen countries, this is counted as one visit/trip. It is only when you leave the Schengen area like you will when you enter the UK) that this visit ends.

Please note that this single entry Schengen visa, which means that you will need to fly home from the UK, as you will have used up your one entry already.

The train itself is around 22 hours long, alternatively you could also fly using your visas. (flights are around 2.5 hours, and can be as low as Β£40, if time is your priority)

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