Luggage storage / luggage check details at Vancouver, BC train station


Accepted answer

After taking the trip, I can describe the actual situation on the ground as of October 2016 (which is very different from what the other answer suggests):

  • Checked baggage is useless for luggage storage when taking a USA-bound train. The luggage needs to pass through a USA customs pre-clearance first, and customs only opens shortly before the train leaves (basically, when it's time to line up to board the train). So you can't check your luggage in the morning and board the train in the evening. I don't know what the situation is for Canadian-bound trains but I think it's better.

  • Baggage storage no longer exists for train passengers at the Pacific Central station, "for security reasons".

  • However, I could still find a viable option. A nearby hostel offers luggage storage in a locked room (NE corner of National Ave and Main St, entrance from Main St). They charged me $7.50 to store a small suitcase and a shoulder bag for a couple of hours.


BagBnB might help anyone who checks out earlier than their flight or train ride. They have 3 locations so far in Vancouver, BC.


In Vancouver there is also a luggage storage option called BagsAway Luggage Storage

They have storage locations in different parts of the city and you can see them on their map.

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