Is there a way to get to San Miguel de los Banos from Cienfuegos or Santa Clara?


There are many ways to get to San Miguel. There are bus, train available frequently, you can always rent a car or hitchhike on your way. Cubans love gringos so there is fairly a feasible chance available.


Go to the nearest Astro Bus station (the inter-provincial buses for cubans) and you are very likely to find a private taxi waiting for desperate customers nearby. These taxis are usually shared with other customers, but since you are a tourist they will probably try to keep you alone and charge you a different (higher) price.

By the way Astro Buses are meant to be used by Cubans only, but from time to time they have allowed tourists to get in. I am not sure which situation you will encounter on your arrival, but taxis I am sure will be available, and it will always be way cheaper than renting a car.

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