Is there a map showing historical average precipitation at a specific time of year?


I have used in the past Put in a city and get monthly averages highs and lows, rain and snow stats etc. You can also drill down to a particular day but I don’t think it will do it by week.

Upvote:3 should have what you are looking for. Their website gives downloadable maps for different times of year, and testing lots of different conditions such as rainfall.

Here's an example for the average rainfall in March 2016 in the US : enter image description here

For example, we can see from this that the rainfall in March 2016 in Florida was about 1 inch. We can compare this to New York, which had about 3 inches. We can then compare this with other months using the tools on the website.

There are many more options available on the website such as Average Temperatures, Outlooks, Drought Monitors etc

For a more general view, check out these sites;

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