Recommended software for communicating / documenting whilst on a bike tour


Accepted answer

I would recommend using Prey for security. It's open-source and covers any sort of device you would possibly be using.

I use a mac and android tablet for my technology needs and don't worry too much about antivirus programs. It really depends on what OS you end up with. For windows I can recommend AVG Free.

I'm a big fan of wordpress for blogging. It is a little work to set up, but afterwards is highly customizable and controllable.

For organizing photos, I have found Picasa to be a nice program, though a bit heavy for my taste. The Open Project is a new, free way to organize, upload, and publish photos all on the cloud. It does use dropbox, so size might be a problem.


I wrote an answer where I recommended for keeping a website/blogging, but then I saw your other question and I moved my answer to there.

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