Is it possible to transit through a UK airport whilst barred for entry into the UK


I have to say, as far as I know, this is probably in the category:

Inconceivable you would try this :-o

Researchable fact - people are arrested at airports all the time.

It's a favorite hangout of the blokes with guns who arrest people who are enemies of the state for various reasons big and small.

[Arrested as ..] as he attempted to board a plane at around 11.05pm on Sunday night ...

To be more specific, you can google the specific! airport involved. Try googling "Arrested at Heathrow airport".

As mentioned in a comment:

*"the airport is technically not the UK..." This is "incredibly wrong." It is possible you are thinking of embassies?

Every square inch of Heathrow is "incredibly" under the control of the imperials, it's kind of a "low-rights area."

They specifically, in a number of stages, carefully search for anyone they are "on the lookout for".

Here's one!

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