In practice, does one need an IDP to rent a car in Mexico?


Accepted answer

I have paid for an IDL, and nobody ever wanted to see it; not in Mexico, not in the US, not in Canada, not in Russia, not in India. If they even know what it is, they decline to accept it, and ask for my "normal driver's license" (which is a German one, btw)

Rental car companies are having hundreds of international customers every day, and they are quite familiar with your national driver's license, even if you would come from a small and unknown country, if not, they will make do [it is much more important to have a credit card...]

So unless your driver's license is in a non-latin alphabet, save the money for an IDL.

Edit: yes, the official government recommendation is to have an IDL. I am just a random guy on the internet; but my recommendation based on experience is to save the money for it.


The German Embassy recommends having a International Drivers Permit (IDP) for driving in Mexico.

It also warns that the Tourist Card FMM is not always stamped upon entry from the USA. But since ID's are often checked inside Mexico, to make sure that it is stamped propery before continuing on into Mexico.

Der Internationale Führerschein wird empfohlen und ist nur in Verbindung mit dem nationalen deutschen Führerschein gültig.

driver's license
The international driver's license is recommended and is valid only in conjunction with the national German driver's license.

Touristenkarte FMM
Ein- und Ausreise über die USA
Bei der Einreise auf dem Landweg über die USA kann es vorkommen, dass Touristenkarten nicht abgestempelt werden. In diesem Fall muss dies, z. B. gegen Vorlage des Bustickets, beim Instituto Nacional de Migración des Grenzortes nachgeholt werden, dies ist z.B. in Tijuana auch im INM-Büro im Flughafen möglich.

Tourist Card FMM
Entry and exit via the USA
When entering the country via the US, it may happen that tourist cards are not stamped. In this case, this must, for example, on presentation of the bus ticket, be made at the Instituto Nacional de Migración the border town, this is e.g. in Tijuana also in the INM office in the airport possible.

Bei Personenkontrollen wird nicht nur der Ausweis verlangt, sondern auch die mexikanische Aufenthaltserlaubnis (Touristenkarte FMM, bzw. Langzeitaufenthaltstitel FM 2/3). Ausländer sollten ihre mexikanische Aufenthaltserlaubnis jederzeit, zumindest als Kopie, bei sich führen (s.o.). Andernfalls besteht das Risiko, von der Einwanderungsbehörde in Gewahrsam genommen und ggf. abgeschoben zu werden.

ID required
In the case of identity checks, not only the ID card is required, but also the Mexican residence permit (tourist card FMM or long-term residence permit FM 2/3). Foreigners should carry their Mexican residence permit at any time [all times], at least as a copy (see above). Otherwise, there is a risk of being detained by the Immigration Department and possibly deported.


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