Does one need to fill in a form for a Visa On Arrival?


Accepted answer

Yes there is a form to be filled, and that is the arrival card which you usually get it during the flight. The form has simple fields: Name, date of birth, passport information, address in Indonesia, duration of stay and flight number along with other usual stuff. No tricky or smart questions like in visa forms of other countries. This form should be handed to the immigration desk currently, not to the VOA desk like before.

UPDATE (2016):

Earlier in 2016, no more landing cards and no more VOAs are required, except for business visas. All tourists who required a VOA before are now eligible to enter without landing cards or a printed VOA for 30 days, no more fees to be paid as well. The customs form is still required.


It's no more than the standard arrivals form you need to fill out for most countries you'll visit.
And I've seen places where you had to fill out a lot more to get past customs even with a prearranged visa...

So yeah, there's kinda a form but it's nothing to fret about. Mostly if you have the cash (remember, cash only in US$, Euro, or UK Pounds at least when I arrived in Jakarta a few years ago) you get the stamp.

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