Cheapest fare from Gatwick airport to Greenwich


Accepted answer

The best solution pricewise would be buying an Oyster card or getting a contactless bank card if those are cheaper to get at your bank.
You may need to buy the Oyster card before arriving in London, you certainly will need to if you want to use a Visitor Oyster card.

With an Oyster card your journey will cost you Β£8, (off peak,) a one way train ticket (also off peak) is Β£17.40.

The cost of a Visitor Oyster Card is Β£3 more than the credit on it, as you can see on this site. So even for a single journey you are better off using that card.
You can get any remaining credit paid out when you use a ticket machine at the end of your stay, if the stay is more than 3 days. The card will remain yours but without value. If you plan to return in the near future, or have friends who plan a London visit, you can also leave the credit on and use the card at a later date.
Credit remains valid, no end date.

If you have a contact less bank card, the same prices for travel apply, without the need to have an extra card.

All prices taken from the comments on the question, except where I put in a link.

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