Online resource for reconnecting with other travelers?


Accepted answer

One option (that may not suit you exactly, but will be useful for other searchers of a question like this) is We Met On A Plane.

One media story described it as the solution to the problem "Have you ever met that special someone on a plane but for whatever reason you didn't end up exchanging your contact details with each other and later regretted it? Without their name, how are you going to find them on Facebook?"


In the US, you'd use Craigslist's missed connections. For example:

As @Gagravarr points out, your best international bet is probably Facebook, using her name and hometown as search paramaters. I've been able to find people I met while traveling on a few occasions like that.

There's also the sometimes surprisingly accurate (or creepy) If your contact has a not too common name, you'd be amazed what sometimes comes out of there.

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