How common are such crooked forests and where can I find one?


The crooked forest in the photo is in North-West Poland, near the German border. It was almost certainly caused by human action. It is believed that the trees were planted in the early 1930s, and were shaped as such for a particular purpose - but the knowledge of that purpose was lost over time (I suspect, but can't find a reference to support, that the original owners were killed in the war)

I'm not aware of any other such forests, but you'll find individual crooked trees in almost any forest - these will be more likely to have been caused by natural means, for example another tree falling on them.

You may be more likely to find an area of coppicing near to you however - this is an ancient means of woodland management whereby the trees were cut right back to encourage the growth of long, thin trunks for woodworking purposes.

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