Was I going to be scammed, kidnapped or robbed in the US?


I doubt anyone can really answer this question to be honest, and I doubt answering it can help you in any way. More valuable seems to be a way to get out of the situation next time. I don't have a great answer to that question but I would like to share an experience I had myself.

A couple of week ago me and my partner were eating in a restaurant and shortly after paying a man started talking to us. He was making comments about the food prices, food and weather and was clearly trying to stall us. I felt a little uncomfortable and urged my partner to leave. At that moment, the man started to tell about how his wife had passed away a couple of months ago and that he now had to do these kinds of things alone as he didn't have many friends.

Turns out the guy was just extremely lonely and sad, had a couple of beers and wanted someone to talk to.

So yes, it could have been a robber or scammer. But it could also just been a little bit of an awkward individual. Maybe a drug addict or a drunk guy, who knows. In any case, I would suggest going back to the restaurant if you don't find a way out. Call for a cab or explain the situation to a staff member and wait it out for a little bit.

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