1-week holiday in Fiji. How to carry my cash?


If you don't mind carrying cash on your person then a method that I have used may suit you.

I have a thin "pouch" that sits comfortably against my skin and is arranged to sit with the top about at my belt line and sitting offset to one side where it rides comfortably. I can carry my passport and a few large denomination banknotes and maybe a bank card there. This is visually undetectable and essentially not noticeable to me in normal use. Various low cost pouches made for under clothing use are available commercially.

To whom it may concern: I don't do this in my home country and don't expect to travel internationally in the next while :-)


Regarding "carrying cash around with you" travel belts are the way to go in my experience. They can be worn under your clothes and aren't visible to others. Since you'll be wearing them around your waist and preferrably under a shirt, it's very hard for thiefes to simply cut them off (plus some travel belts offer protection against being cut off, since the material isn't easy to cut).

However, if you feel uncomfortable carrying large amounts of cash with you at all times, I suggest withdrawing cash at ATMs, since banks offer pretty good exchange rates. Some banks even offer limited free cash withdrawal (as in "up to 20 times per year without fees" or something like that), so it might be worth to open up a new account at a bank that offers something like this, if there's still time to do so.

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