Is it convenient to change money in Zgorzelec (Poland)?


Accepted answer

To get from GΓΆrlitz to Zgorzelec you just have to cross a bridge. If you go up hill for a while from the old town bridge (AltstadtbrΓΌcke), which is a pedestrian bridge, you will get to a place where there are some shops and also a Kantor, which had reasonable exchange rates at least a few weeks ago and charged no commission. It's very small, just a door in a line of shops, but it has a sign so it's hard to miss.

Depending on what you want to buy/do in Zgorzelec, you have to take into account that bigger shops are far away from the border, so you should take a bicycle or try to catch a bus. Also, if you just want to buy cigarettes or alcohol, there are small shops for that just across the bridge, and I was told by people from GΓΆrlitz that they also take euros there. (But I don't know how good their exchange rates are)

Upvote:2 this is extremely close to the border and as far as I can see charges no commission. From the Gorlitz train station the border is 2km, depending on your walking speed, I would say it's 30 minutes.

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