Should I factor in Thanksgiving rush at Atlanta airport?


In large Airports (and ATL is a Large airport), I usually am there much more than an hour in advance. There are too many things that could go wrong, including, but not limited to:

  • Increased number of Travelers on and around Holiday Dates
  • Winter weather (ATL isn't too bad with this, in my experiences.)
  • Longer lines in Security
  • Longer lines everywhere.

I have flown through both ATL and LAX on and around Thanksgiving and Christmas Before, (Last year, in fact,) and I am glad that I arrived early. Because I fly for business, but still ride coach, I usually like to show up 2 hours in advance. That is both my opinion, and my company policy, and it has never failed me. For me, it's not just about being able to run and catch my gate, its about being there a little early so I dont have to sit on the floor or stand while I wait at my gate. Just personal preference!

Good luck with your flight, and enjoy your Thanksgiving!

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