Which mountain collapsed in France in 1820/21?


Possibly the Brenva Glacier near Mont Blanc.

See the 2010 Master's Thesis by Patrizia Imhof at University of Bern: "Glacier fluctuations in the Italian Mont Blanc massif from the Little Ice Age until the present"

See especially section 4.4.4 "First artistic works on the Brenva and beginning advance by the end of the 18th century" (p.65) and section 4.4.5 "The well-documented LIA maximum in 1818" (p.68).

Apparently the advancing glacier overtopped a ridge and spilled into the valley below destroying a chapel.


There is also a description from 1776 of the same glacier which Google Translate renders as:

The bed of this glacier is one league [about 4 km] wide, so that the torrent, which descends from the AllΓ©e Blanche, gets lost under the ice, from where it then leaves by an arch of ice of extraordinary beauty

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