Who is the "celebrated author" of this quote?


Accepted answer

A Google books search for books no later than 1800 containing "We, who are only the people, but who" yields two sorts of hits: about half a dozen with "celebrated author", in which the search phrase is being quoted, and somewhat fewer, to 1792 and 1793 translation editions of The History of the Revolution in France by Jean Paul RABAUT SAINT-ÉTIENNE. None of the Rabaut snippets have "celebrated author" in them.

Simple logic seems to indicate the celebrated author is Rabaut. Note that Rabaut wrote

We who are only the people, but who pay for war with our substance and our blood, will not cease to tell Kings...

so the use of this quotation in the OP is inexact. The French original reads

LIX. Nous qui ne sommes que peuple , mais qui payons la guerre de notre sang, nous ne cesserons de dire aux rois que les guerres ne sont bonnes que pour eux; que ce sont des jeux de princes, qui ne plaisent qu'à ceux qui les font; que les véritables et justes conquêtes sont celles que chacun fait chez soi en soulageant le paysan, en multipliant les hommes et les autres productions de la nature ; qu'ainsi seulement les rois peuvent se dire l'image de Dieu, dont la volonté continuée crée toujours...

The number of 1792 editions listed in Worldcat, together with the number of copies in libraries, seems to show the book was widely distributed, and presumably read by enemies of the Ancien Régime. The copy in the university library nearest where I live shows the authors as "Jean-Paul Rabaut; James White; Samuel Taylor Coleridge", the last one of which I recognize as not being a friend of the Ancien Régime. (Other editions' title pages make it clear that White was the translator. Coleridge was presumably a preface-writer.)

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