Was there any war won by the victim without sending forces to lands/seas/air of the attacker?


Dismissing the U.S. as a merely a "rebellion" is absurd; denying the very real manner in which the several "states" were self governing well before the Declaration of Independence.

Likewise, the Dutch rebellion (Eighty Years War) was won by the Dutch without ever attempting invasion of Spain.

Similarly for the Vietnamese (first against the French and then against the U.S.); the Swiss (against Habsburg Austria); the Franks against the Roman Empire; and, though it took centuries, the Spanish Reconquista against the Moorish invaders. How are you going to determine which conflicts "took to long" to be included?

In the Hundred Years War the French successfully threw out the English invaders without ever making any meaningful invasion of England. The Russians threw off the Mongol (ie Golden Horde) Yoke over centuries, gaining independence without ever invading Kazakstan. Likewise they threw out the Polish-Lithuanians from Moscow, and regained independence, without ever invading their aggressor. The Chinese in World War Two were on the winning side though never invading Japan.

The list of eligibles for this is likely near endless.

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