In the French Empire, what was the difference between french colonies éphémèras and comptoirs français?


Accepted answer

An "éphémère" is something that was "ephemeral," and disappeared quickly or early. France's "American" colonies fall into this category. These had only 80,000 settlers in 1750, even after 100 years of haphazard "colonization," which is one reason why the French lost the French and Indian War (the 13 colonies had 1.6 million settlers).

A "comptoir" is something that you can "count on" for a somewhat longer time. They were, as you put it, overseas trading posts that were highly organized for two way trade. France regarded its African (and few Asian) colonies in that category. These were (mostly) the recipient of decent-sized infusions of French settlers, not just a few "wanderers" as in the case of the American colonies. For instance, France wrested Vietnam from China using 20,000 soldiers.

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